The Origin Of Chopsticks Festival

It is said that there is a scholar called Honda Ichiro, thanks to chopsticks three meals a day hard to serve people, it is recommended that every year on August 4 as "chopsticks festival." The scholar's initiative, immediately get people's enthusiastic response. August 4, 1980, "Paul
Japan's festival will be held in Tokyo Akasaka's Shiba Shrine and Niigata Prefecture's Hachiman Shrine, which celebrated this solemn and sacred festival. "Chopsticks festival." On this day, every household is busy to celebrate some. To thank the chopsticks for three meals a day to serve them in the countryside in the planting, planting, harvest, birthday or wedding festivals have to Put on new chopsticks to table pleasure in the Japanese Nara era compiled the "ancient things", there is about the chopsticks record, when the chopsticks do not like today's two sticks, 16 is to cut Bamboo was twisted into tweezers. In the era of peace, bamboo chopsticks were used in "great taste" and other court ceremonies; and on the birthday or folk festivals, the general use of willow chopsticks was used at the banquet on August 15 In 1986, Tokyo Edogawa District Tang Quan Temple to restore the "chopsticks support" ceremony, thanks to support the diet of chopsticks, sacrifice has been harvested forest, everywhere shows the Japanese deep feelings of chopsticks ; However, today's Japanese people who are increasingly Westernized in their eating habits, whose children are getting better and better use of chopsticks are not only the number of chopsticks consumed today, but also the requirements for chopsticks. Since the eighties, with the development of the catering industry, the use of disposable chopsticks increased rapidly.Therefore, the relevant departments of Japan had estimated the national consumption of disposable chopsticks in 1980 about 20.5 billion pairs, if converted into timber, equivalent to 41 million Cubic meters can be built and type standard housing 20,000 sets. Attractive is that the Japanese are right
The trendy use of disposable chopsticks has raised objections. In 1984, a mass organization called "thinking about disposable chopsticks" was proclaimed, and it called for people to develop their own habits of eating chopsticks. A person in charge of the organization pointed out that people only from the side comes with chopsticks utensils around the small things to start in order to gradually increase the care of the environment and save resources awareness. In 1991, Fukuoka City, Japan decided to no longer use the "after the loss of" wood chopsticks. Mayor Sang Yuan said: "With the convenience of chopsticks, like the precious natural resources discarded the same." This fully shows the Japanese attention to chopsticks, from the use of chopsticks this point of view, to explore the conservation of resources and reduce environmental pollution awareness.
